Monday, March 7, 2011

The Seasons are changing in Kanha !

Winter is slowing ebbing out in Kanha..and spring is in the air...Kanha is my most favourite Park in Central India..i just spent a blissful ten days there.

One early morning the air was so crisp, you could actually feel had rained the previous night. The Sal leaves on the forest floor were glistening fresh..and the Red Jungle Fowls were calling excitedly..such a beautiful Kanha morning!!

First buds of the 'Flame of the Forest' or the 'Palash', which will soon cloak Central India in it's bright red flowers...

The glorious and rare Yellow Silk Cotton in bloom..

An impressive Barasingha Stag...their rut is just coming to an end for this season and soon their long coats will be shed..

We saw this 'Bahimara' Tigress stalking some Chital one early morning..just managed one shot of her..she was unsuccessful this time..and she is raising her first litter...two lovely one year old Cubs quite successfully..

She walked away from us into the heart of her territory..where her cubs could be waiting eagerly..female Tigers have such a d tough and a demanding job both to fend for their Cubs and to protect them.

In another territory, which is a domain of this just independent Tigress..a particularly bold female..she ousted her own mother from her prime territory. Minutes after I caught her on my camera one evening, she roared defiantly a few times; the forest reverberated with amazing Tiger calls..there were goose-pimples on me hearing that most awe-inspiring sounds!!

Gaurs of Bandhavgarh !!

This is a picture of the Gaurs of Bandhavgarh...grazing peacefully in their enclosure! They are doing well..19 of them. And they are all set to be released shortly into the Park itself! Two research students from WII are constantly monitoring them.

One of my favourite pictures from the re-location..Gaurs being released from the truck into their enclosure!!